Sunday, April 5, 2009

Freakishly Long Escalator!

Okay, so this is just one of the many freakishly long escalators that we have to take to get to the metros. We have timed them a few times and they can take over 2 minutes sometimes! Supposedly it is illegal to take pictures or videos of the metros or anything underground here, so I hope that I don't get thrown in jail!

A Few Teaching Pics!

We made crazy bread faces for a kitchen activity!

Yegor and Dana with their "apple bites"!

Me, Lada, Kate, Olia, Nastia, and Nikita with our "apple bites"!

Dana, Alicia, and Yegor one day in class! Yegor cracks me up; he always has to tell me which one is the mom and which one is the dad, even when we are just using scissors! These kids are so much fun and I am going to miss them a ton when I leave!